Friday, November 19, 2004
so... since blogger has decided not to let me comment on my own sister's post, i must relate my own gross co-worker eating story - i used to work with this old hippy lady (seriously, she was icky all by herself - long ropy hair, mangled teeth, goat-ass breath, knitted vests, and her very own doublewide trailer) and every day, she brought some kind of stew in a thermos (seriously, kim, we have a microwave, you don't need to put it in the thermos) and she would pour her stew out into a bowl and grab a spoon - after every bite, she would lick the spoon off front and back and both sides - because it wasn't icky enough that she was eating lamb, cabbage and crap stew, she had to perform fellatio on the spoon right in front of everyone, complete with moaning "mmmm" sounds - that's a special breed of ick right there
4 comment(s):
(Did I go too far on that one? Yeah... definitely so... My bad.)
Agent 31, at
2:30 PM
Veruca Salt, at
2:32 PM
Veruca Salt, at
2:47 PM
unless, of course, you're talking about the water cooler...that's okay.
Jootastic, at
4:35 PM
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