Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dickhead California Highway Patrol Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over today?

Me: (Because I was going 20mph in a 15mph school zone? In my defense, the sign said 15 when children are present and there were no children present) *confused smile and shrug*

D-CHiP: You failed to stop at the stop sign at Royal Oak

Me: *even more confused because I totally DID stop there, I remember specifically because I had just seen a cute house for rent and when I stopped, I made a mental note of the street name so I could remember* Uh... really?

D-CHiP: And your windows are illegally tinted

Me: *looking around my vehicle to see if my cluttered Honda Element (with FACTORY FUCKING TINT ON THE FUCKING WINDOWS) has been magically transformed into some limo-tinted '67 Impala that smells like marijuana* Uh... really?

I hand over my license and registration.

D-CHiP: I'm going to let you off with a warning for failure to stop, but I'm going to write you a [some name I don't remember for a Fix-It ticket]

Me: Really? I mean, really?

D-CHiP: This tinting is illegal. In the state of California, you are not allowed anything more than a clear UV coating.

Me: But... This is factory tint. And when I got my car registered, the DMV didn't say anything about it.

D-CHiP: Did you actually take the vehicle in to the DMV?

Me: (REALLY???) Uh.... yeah. I brought the car from out of state, so I had to take it in for inspection.

D-CHiP: *thinks for a moment* Those inspections are more for the VIN numbers

Me: *watching EVERY SINGLE OTHER VEHICLE ON THE ROAD whiz past with windows tinted infinitely darker than mine* Um... really?

D-CHiP repeats that he's not giving me a ticket for the *alleged* failure to stop and takes my paperwork back to his car.

So, Officer 70s-Porn-Mustache takes something like a fucking hour fifteen minutes to write up the lamest fix-it ticket EVER and tells me I have remove the offending tint from the driver and passenger side windows and to go to fucking court for it.


Here's my issue - if I actually did run a stop sign (WHICH, AGAIN, I TOTALLY DIDN'T) isn't that slightly more of a danger to the public (ESPECIALLY IN A SCHOOL ZONE) than the factory fucking tint on my windows that don't even really keep it cool?

Also - in everything I find online, it states that the California law is that the window must be at least 70% clear. I can't find anything that says it can't be anything but clear. Even the DMV websites says 70%.

Fuck tha poe-leece. (not really, just that guy)

2 comment(s):

  • I swear I heard Rusty Venture talking just now. "Why is it that every time I need to get somewhere, we get waylaid by jackassery?"

    By Blogger Clumsy With a Side of Muddled, at 2:55 PM  

  • I know I live in NV but perhaps like my friend Bella you could get a Dr's note for the tinting. I know bright light gives her headaches and if maybe it gives YOU headaches too well then...

    And I'm pretty sure you can be tinted, just not super darkly tinted. Sheesh.

    By Blogger Ginamonster, at 7:45 PM  

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