Thursday, July 22, 2004
a note about imperfection
there's something to appealling about imperfections, don't you think? a couple of for instances:1) i prefer abstract art to... non-abstract (or whatever it's called) and a couple of years i figured out why - when i look at realistic paintings, i look for the imperfections, i look for what makes them not realistic, like how the eyes don't shine right, or how the shadow isn't falling correctly - but when i look at abstract art, i see it for what it is
2) if there were some bikini wax related disaster that wiped out every supermodel in the world and i was given the choice between colin farrell and john mayer, i would pick john mayer any day of the week... not that colin farrell isn't SO yummy (which he is, i mean with the accent and everything else) but john mayer's kind of goofy and goofy is hot... does that make me weird?
i just think that people and things that are imperfect are more interesting - like look at any of those 20-something boy actors with perfect pecs and straight teeth and it's like "okay, and...?" i think that sometimes perfect people neglect to cultivate personalities, mostly because they don't really need them, as long as they're aesthetically pleasing, they can just keep that up and they'll skate through the world.
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