Wednesday, December 01, 2004

in case you have read my sister's blog and are wondering why her bed is named "guido" - it's because she hates the word bed because of an emotional scar inflicted by our mother who insisted that "the only thing guys want is to bed you down" - to me, that sounds like a guy is going to put a duvet cover on me and stack decorative pillows on me, but i guess jules took it differently

another emotional scar from mom would be her, announcing to myself and my new boyfriend (and i mean brand new boyfriend, we were still in that stage of the relationship where you're showcasing your "a" material - now we've been married for 7 years and i complain about menstrual cramps to him so it's different) that she "had sex on a waterbed once, and never again because it just wasn't comfortable" - is it just me, or should your mother, your new boyfriend and the subject of sex be verboten from being in the same zip code?

oh, and tomorrow is still my sister's birthday

and asses - they're not just for breakfast anymore (i really have no idea what that means, i just want you to check out the new blog, aka "asses across america") - and praise jen from london calling for finally giving us a forum dedicated to butts, asses, posteriors, booties, rumps, tails, derrieres, bums, fannies, gluteus maximuses, haunches, hindquarters and anything else you can call your bottom

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