Thursday, December 16, 2004
Why won't my stereo go any louder???
I just heard someone say, with a huge amount of enthusiasm, no less, "I heard THE BEST Christmas song this morning!!!..." (seriously, you could hear the exclamation points) "It's called 'Mary Have You Heard'..." (this may or may not be what he said the name of the song was, I was so traumatized after what he said next that I'm a little numb now) "And it's off the Clay Aiken Christmas CD" (At this point in the conversation I made an involuntary hacking noise, the kind that your cat makes when he is either under a rocking chair or coughing up a furball the size of a chow chow.)Stop
6 comment(s):
Trish, at
8:26 AM
that totally made my morning.
asyl076, at
8:29 AM
Veruca Salt, at
8:37 AM
Sara, at
8:45 AM
I'm a librarian. I look stuff up.
Samantha, at
9:10 AM
your street cred remains intact (unless, of course, you change your name to Ashleeee or something, then you're out of the club)
Veruca Salt, at
9:20 AM
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