Friday, January 07, 2005
Step off of my retail therapy, Biatch
I'm just going to say it - I'm a sale whore (not in the "hey big boy, looking for a good time, 30% off tonight only" kind of way) I love sales, especially if they have the word clearance in front of them. And right now there's a ton of after-Christmas sales and I'm such a good girl that I go out and buy stuff for next Christmas so that in November when I realize I need to do Christmas shopping, it's already halfway done.Today at lunch, I decided to do a little shopping - 4 sweaters, 3 things of Christmas ornaments, 2 shirts and 2 purses later I'm checking out. The cashier rings up everything without saying anything to me until she gets to the ornaments.
snotty (without reason) cashier (snidely): "Buying these for next Christmas?"
me (too proud of myself for my bargain shopping to even come up with a snotty comment like "no, I have a Santa fetish"): "Yeah!"
SWRC (again, snidely): "Yeah, I was doing that..."
She said it just like that, with the emphasis on the "was" - like she used to do it, but then "US Weekly" announced that it was "so 2004" to bargain shop or something - wtf? Not to be a snob or anything, but HELLO, she's the one whose vocational choice includes asking "did you find everything okay today?"
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