Sunday, May 08, 2005

Banking enough karma that I should be able to kill a nun with a spork and get over it

I did my daughterly duty of calling my mom on Mother's Day - I put it off all freaking day then by 5PM figured that she'd pull out the voodoo doll of me and impaling it with skewers - She was at the grocery store when I called (SCORE!!!) so I chatted with my stepdad for a few minutes about their move and all and (unfortunately?) she came home in the meantime and I got to talk to her - in the half hour or so conversation (during which I drifted in and out, with my scripted "uh huh"s and "oh, really"s) she marveled at the fact that Longview, WA has Targets and Walmarts and Burger Kings and decided that the best part of her new home in Washington is that the handymen have crews of "just regular guys" as opposed to the crews of "Mexicans who don't speak English" so prevalent here in Arizona (yeah, I know, hopefully she'll be able to find a nice KKKanasta group up there to keep her busy).

And in an astounding show of geography knowledge, she invited me up to visit her in Washington... she says I should stop by on my way to Georgia for my brother's wedding...

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