Thursday, January 05, 2006

My Mom is a Freak - part 9 million something

So, yesterday, I call my stepdad for his birthday (because his own daughter usually doesn't call him for it and I feel kind of bad about that (I also feel bad that he has to live with my mom, but that's another story) and I'm talking to him for maybe two minutes when my mom comes into the room, asks who he's talking to, and when told it's me, says "I need to talk to her" and the conversation with my stepdad - the birthday boy - is over.

The conversation, as usual, is all over the map - it ranges from me being asked if I've received the package she shipped the day before ("Did you send it overnight?" I ask. "No, of course not," she answers. Mmmmkay), to her inquiring as to whether or not I'm going to knit a scarf that she was telling me about (seeing as I don't know how to knit, that's highly unlikely). Then she thanks me again for the Almond Roca popcorn that I gave her for Christmas (my mom likes Almond Roca a lot - me personally, I think they look like cat crap, and that usually keeps me from eating them) "I've never seen Almond Roca popcorn before, it's really good," she says enthusiastically.

"I'm glad you liked it," I reply, feeling a little bit relieved, because every year we give her Almond Roca candy, she makes some offhanded comment about how she still has some left over from last year and she doesn't really need anymore.

"You know, no one bought me Almond Roca this year, you really saved the year," she said sounding kind of hurt.

"Uh... okay."

"Of course," she continues. "I told everyone not to get me any..."

Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm coming out ahead or not.

Note for self: Next Christmas, purchase giant tub of Almond Roca and hope her medication is correct on the day I give it to her.

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