Monday, February 25, 2008

OMFG, another post about my kid? Geez

so, I'm sitting on an uncomfortable folding chair in an un-airconditioned* gym in a bad part of town watching my kid's team playing against the only other team in their age division. The other team has soundly trounced my kid's team in the 10+ other times they've played each other**, but the games are always fun to watch.

As we're nearing the end of the season, everyone is kind of resigned to the fact that my kid's team is probably not going to win, but this game is closer than usual.

Seated next to me is Precious***, the 8-year-old sister of one of the kids on my kid's team and she looks at me with this big frown on her face.

"We're losing!"

"You have to be positive," I say.

"Yeah, I'm positive that we're losing," she sulks. I secretly believe that she may be my long lost Latina child whom I don't remember birthing. I swear, I'm going to tuck her into my purse and bring her home (and change her name).

(But my kid's team showed her, they worked their little sweaty asses off and won by two points.)

* I know, I know, it's February, but goddamit if it wasn't 80 here today

** yeah, it sucks, but there's only two teams, my kid just had the luck to get on the team that's not nearly as good as the other team who has been playing together for several (undefeated) seasons.

*** I know, her mother should be harshly punished for naming her child Precious, but this little girl is about the cutest person on the planet, right down to her dimples and giant brown eyes.


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