Friday, January 14, 2005

The sounds of silence SUCK

I'm not a car girl, I could care less what kind of car I drive, a person is not defined by the kind of vehicle that he or she drives (except for guys with small penises, they are totally defined and made whole by driving a gigantic American truck) all that matters to me in a vehicle is that it has functional air conditioning and a cd player. So last week when my SUV was traded for a hefty tank of a German car, I learned to deal with it - sure, I was used to sitting up high and being able to see a couple of cars in front me, and now the new (to me) car has me at street luge level, but I deal with it. And sure, I was used to stepping up into my vehicle and with the new, low car, I have to fold up my long legs, oragami style, to fit them under the low steering wheel, but I deal with it. And sure, in my SUV, I was used to being mistaken for a soccer mom, and now with the lowered-ness of the car, super dark window tint and burgundy interior I'm more likely to be mistaken for a low level drug kingpin, but I deal with it.

What I do not deal with is my car deciding to have some sort of malfunction this morning that disabled the stereo - don't ask me what happened, I'm not an astrophysicist or a car stereo installer from Circuit City, it just wouldn't work - and I was stuck, tuneless the whole way to work. All eleven miles.

Some people might think this would be a zen experience, driving with no music to distract me, driving like the Amish drive, but no, it was just irritating as crap*

*(the only thing more irritating than not having my tuneage was my husband asking "is it turned on?" when I relayed to him my dismay at not having anything but my own incessant humming to listen to)

4 comment(s):

  • After we've been listening to music in the car for awhile, my husband likes to turn it off for awhile to have some quiet time. That's just crazy talk.

    By Blogger Trish, at 8:43 AM  

  • There is another thing that is worse than not having anything to listen to:
    I found my Stealing Beauty soundtrack, and got too lazy to change the CD. So... I listened to it for four days straight...which is about 6 or 7 times through the CD. (I have a loooong commute). That sucks.

    By Blogger Jootastic, at 8:45 AM  

  • Once you reach a certain age, it seems like it becomes impossible to talk AND listen to music because my mom does that "let's just talk" thing too. Please, God, don't let me ever become one of those moms, okay?

    By Blogger Trish, at 10:25 AM  

  • You guys are lucky - if I get stuck riding in my mom's minivan (because she needs a minivan, right? it's just her and my stepdad) I get to listen to one of the two cassette tapes that she owns - either Backstreet Boys or Richard Marx...

    By Blogger Veruca Salt, at 10:32 AM  

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