Monday, February 07, 2005
File this under: No shit, really?
Last night, I'm watching "The Simpsons" and "American Dad" (not as pee-your-pants funny as "Family Guy", but still Seth MacFarlane can do no wrong, I'd watch him read the ingredients from a box of Cheerios - he's going to be my third husband, after I leave my current husband for John Mayer and after John Mayer leaves me for Tara Reid - ew) and every ten minutes, there's a commercial for this way over hyped big undercover investigative series by the local Fox news crew into whether drive-thru liquor stores are a bad idea.I'm so glad they're looking into this further, because on the surface it seems like an okay idea... I mean, what do you think they're trying to imply? You don't think that a DRIVE-THRU LIQUOR STORE would maybe encourage drunk driving do you?
Wow, what do you think that their investigations will turn up next? Something about smoking being hazardous to your health? Or obesity not being as healthy as we'd previously thought?
3 comment(s):
Oh sure you can just drive home and then drink it, but come on!
filmgoerjuan, at
8:55 PM
I have been commenting an the absurdity of drive-thru liquor stores ever since I spent a summer in Phoenix. We have none of those here in Cali, just drive-thru organic veggies and yoga mats.
p.s. (I forgot to sign my name when I commented on your "teacher" post)
Anonymous, at
3:39 PM
Veruca Salt, at
3:55 PM
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