Thursday, January 26, 2006

not funny or snarky, really, I'm just irritated right now

so... my husband, the realtor, hasn't exactly been raking in the big bucks in real estate yet and I understand that - but unfortunately, our mortgage and credit card companies aren't quite as understanding, so he's taking a real job - at least temporarily - which is great, a little extra money and some benefits will really help us out right now - but this would also mean that we'd have to put the kiddo in daycare, which would be another expense.

I came up with the brilliant idea to go part time at my work - like 9 - 3 - so I can take him and pick him up - really, I don't do so much before 9 or after 3, so it won't do much except save the company some money (because they can barely afford payroll as it is - and I won't be bothering them for the benefits they promised but have yet to deliver) - I proposed this to the Bosslady and she talked to the Bossman about it and he said that he didn't want to go for that idea - he said that the useless project manager in the back office is getting "his own girl" soon and the drunk project manager in the upstairs office is eventually going to be getting "his own girl" so my position would be obsolete soon anyway and they were just going to hire someone to answer the phone and open the mail (all I really do anyway, but way to let me know that I was going to get canned soon anyway) so - tomorrow may very well be my last day here because Monday I need to go part time...

and just to recap - getting rid of me - hiring two "his own girl"s and another receptionist... I know I didn't go to college or anything, and I'm no business expert, but... does it make a huge amount of fiscal sense to pay for 3 people to do a job that isn't really even enough for one?

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