Monday, January 09, 2006

There was a music/movie/book store going out of business and, in addition to a Ralphie Wiggum keychain, I picked up a whole set of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" magnets (but we all know which one of them matters the most)

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I don't buy a whole lot of milk chocolate*, but how could I possibly pass up a chocolate bar named "Carlos V" bearing a picture that looks like the Burger King's son**?

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And what's kreepier than kandy with a kreepy king on it? This guy - creepy serial killer guy who was sitting on the beach alone reading a book and casting sideways glances at anyone who walked by. He looked like a police sketch artist's rendering with his ugly brown jacket, red cap pulled low over his eyes and those glasses that change color in the light and dark

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In other news -

Savannah smells like a scrambled egg sandwich this morning


this guy is in my office this morning trying to make conversation - could I possibly be less interested? No, not so much. (I bet if I told him that I have no money to loan, he'd shut up and leave me alone)


I think I'm going to get fired soon (the company is experiencing cash flow issues, I'm making way more than they can afford and the Bossman has been really snippety at me lately. I don't really mind so much, it's not a great job, there's zero room for advancement, they have yet to give me benefits and Bitter Smoker Chick has been here for three years and hasn't seen a raise)

* I like my chocolate like I like my men, bittersweet and chock full of anti-oxidants

** Would he be the Burger Prince?

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