Sunday, February 04, 2007

I shouldn't take muscle relaxers and blog...

but what can you do?

So, I just saw "The Departed" and realized a couple of things:

1) It's weird that it's a mafia-type movie, with a main mafia-type character called Frank Costello - because there was an actual real mafia-type guy named Frank Costello several years ago - weirder still was that the Frank Costello in the movie was supposed to be Eye-rish and the real Frank Costello was Eye-talian... because "Costello" is quite the Irish name?

2) I'm finally ready to accept Leonardo DiCaprio (pretty sure that's an Irish name) as a decent actor - I mean, for the longest time, he was the retarded kid from Gilbert Grape, then he was the seriously overrated kid from Titanic, but tonight, I realized that he's really really good, and I like a lot of what he's done - "The Beach", "The Aviator", "Catch Me If You Can", "Gangs of New York"? All good performances and good movies. How did that happen?

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