Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

Not working in an office makes Valentine's Day much more bearable - I mean, I'm lucky in that I have a spouse who is trained to send flowers on this auspicious day, and whenever I got those flowers, I'd have to endure the glares from both the bitter single women and the bitter married women whose spouses aren't as conditioned.

And it's also cool not to have to look at that one woman who exists in every single office around the world who owns either a sweater, earrings or hair accessories for every holiday as she gets gussied up for February 14th and she goes around gushing "Happy Hearts Day" to everyone.

And, I know that there's pressure on guys to buy mushy Valentine's presents, but it's really so much easier on them - flowers? candy? singing panda bear? All readily available at every store on the planet. Yeah, that really takes a lot of thought - but for girls, it's not so easy - we have to plan, to seek out, to search, we have to go to at least 3 stores (and end up finding the perfect shirt to complete the derby uniform) to find stuff that is useful and thoughtful without being mushy or fluffy.

And I also learned today that if you wait until Valentine's Day to purchase a Valentine's card, you will be left with cards that are either slutty, Spanish, or so sappy that they leave a residue.

and one last, teeny tiny thought -
why is it that after I open myself up and expose my vulnerability to someone, I'm filled with a sense of overwhelming ickiness? I never feel like that after I show my boobs...

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