Sunday, February 11, 2007
Tell me if this is weird
Because sometimes it's hard for me to know...Last night we had this wildly successful derby fundraiser cleverly disguised as a party. It was at a pretty busy bar downtown where people got obscenely drunk and became terribly free with their money (yay!) and ooky personal details of their lives (boo!).
Now, this bar, while fairly busy, is kind of a home-y type place with couches and comfy chairs and a generally relaxed atmosphere - it's got a very "neighborhood pub" type of vibe - which is nice.
We did our thing, promoted the league, sold some merchandise, looked cute and danced to a bunch of music from our new favorite dj girl while people came and went (and hopefully contributed money to our cause).
Towards the end of the night, my throat hurt from the smoke and from shouting to be heard over the music, and I was kind of tired of dealing with jackass-y drunk people* so I was standing outside the bar with one of my favorite derby chicks and we're chatting about birthdays (hers was yesterday, mine is tomorrow) and such and this guy that I'd seen all night in the bar approaches us and holds out a flyer.
"Have you seen my friend?" he asks desperately.
We glance at the flyer, "No, sorry."
He seems irritated that we haven't seen his friend and he tapes up a flyer on the front of the bar. He's kind of frantic as he zooms into the bar.
By the time I get cold and go back inside, the place is wallpapered with the flyers.
Wow, I think, this must really be urgent, I wonder if it happened tonight or something. So I go take a closer look at one of the flyers. "Our friend is missing, blah blah blah, he has brown hair, blah blah blah, last seen a couple of months ago..."
A couple of months ago? Seriously?
So - is it weird that this guy was sitting in the bar all freaking night playing Connect Four with a derby girl and then at midnight, he turns into John Freaking Walsh? I mean, I respect that he's trying to find his friend** and all, but... dude's been gone for "a couple of months", I don't know that forcing a flyer into the hands of drunk college students right before last call is going to be much help - these people could barely identify their own feet, let alone a whole other person.
*I was being responsible and wasn't drinking, for whatever reason, so you can understand my irritation at being told "Omigod, I love you so much" repeatedly.
** I know that I'm a totally cynical person, but something in the back of my head was telling me that it was some kind of twisted marketing venture for a new tv show or something - is THAT weird?
1 comment(s):
By BeechballBeatsCancer, at 4:51 PM
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