Friday, September 07, 2007

If there is a better way to spend a Friday than stripping down to your undies* and painting your kitchen, I don't know what it could be.

It was necessary because the previous homeowners had painted the kitchen a terrible shade of Confederate blue (and to add insult to injury, they had faux-finished it with some awful gray-ish).



And, can we talk about the whole faux-finishing thing for a minute? In addition to the horrors of sponge painting that the previous owners perpetrated against most of the walls of the house, they did a faux stone finish on the kitchen cabinets - I mean, why? Do you think that someone is going to walk into your house and say "Wow, did you buy those cabinets in a quarry? they look like real rock!" And I doubt anyone is ever going to walk into our bathroom and say "Holy crap, are these walls made of real marble?"

Just find a damn color you like and stick with it, mmmkay?

* no, I wasn't actually painting in these, they were a Vegas gift from my darling derby wife - she also sent me (in addition to a whole box of other awesome stuff) My Little Pony stickers that now adorn my helmet and a Chinese comic strip that is now on my refrigerator- jealous much? Yeah, I thought so.


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