Tuesday, January 27, 2009
the crapstorm of 2009 rages on with no relief in sight
*alternate title: I'm just going to rename my blog "Whine Connoisseur"- a new warning light (to join the other two that have been illuminated for a couple months) flickered on on my dashboard - something about the airbag and/or seatbelt tensioner thing
- Jason, the insurance guy who yesterday assured us, over and over, that we wouldn't have to pay anything unless the new door thing was OVER $1000, was apparently participating in some kind of opposite day because we actually have to pay anything UNDER $1000. Thanks for knowing your job and being able to correctly explain our policy, Jason. (here's a tip, next time, don't use the phrases "don't worry about your deductible" or "you won't be out of pocket anything" because when people hear that, then are told that they will actually have to pay $800+? They may not be happy)
- The hot tub in the house we're currently trying to unload has ceased 50% of it's function. Will prospective buyers believe that it's a big salad bowl or planter in the front courtyard?
- I still have about 40% of a cold
- I can't stop whining
- I have a cold sore on the inside of my lip
- I have PMS, so I've been weepy and morose for the last 3 days (or so)
- I was growled at by a pig today
- my favorite little rooster from the farm has disappeared (I would like to think that he was picked up by a nice farming family who will give him a cute hen house and lots of sunflower seeds, but the lady who runs the farm wants to believe that he was eaten by a coyote - geez, and I thought I was pessimistic right now)
Still, it's not all bad, right? I'm still looking on the bright side - neither our awesome renters nor their awesome (not watchdoggy) dogs were physically injured in the break-in. Between the new door and the new water heater, the house in Savannah is practically going to be a decent place to live (and maybe someone will eventually want to buy it). I made a really delicious pizza tonight for under $5. I still haven't shaved my head yet. And we're leaving this hole in a week and 2 days. And when I pull my head out, I'm pretty sure I'm going to delete these whine-tacular posts any day now.
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