Friday, November 06, 2009

Is there an app for this?

Anyone who's ever tried to be my friend is aware that it's... not necessarily easy - I'm sarcastic, rarely serious, usually closed off, 32 flavors of moody and need a steady stream of attention.

And then there's the communication issues -

As much free time as I have, would it kill me to return an email once in a while?

Or hop on to one of the 12 million instant messaging services out there just to say "hey"?

And the only thing I'm worse at than actually answering my phone (hard to hear it ring when the ringer is shut off and it's stuck at the bottom of my purse) is calling people. (Why? I would generally be calling a mobile phone where the person would have the opportunity to take or not take my call. And, hello, who wouldn't be thrilled to talk to me?) (I'm not so bad with texting, but my cheap ass phone doesn't have a keyboard so it takes for-fucking-ever to be able to put together a coherent sentence)

Sometimes I'm confident I could easily live an Amish lifestyle, spending my days churning butter and quilting.

In spite of all of this, could someone please explain how I spend an inordinate amount of time lusting over the iPhone? I just... want one - I mean, look at it! With it's camera and flicky little touchscreen and all those available applications... Does a sexier piece of technology exist anywhere?


1 comment(s):

  • I too swooned - and settled on the iPod touch. A comparable alternative. Now, I find I am lusting after the "Droid" phone that just went on sale. Ahhhhhhhhh.

    By Blogger James, at 11:09 AM  

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