Thursday, February 10, 2005
Somebody get me a jar of metamucil and an early bird special at Denny's
I'm old. I really am. And I'm not just talking about the fact that in 2 days, I'll officially be in my thirties (yeah, no more hanging around the threshold at 30 - 31 means I'm in my thirties - even though yesterday, It boy somehow made me like him more by saying "What, you're going to be all of 26, right?")But I digress
Yesterday, I was rocking out to the Buzzcocks on my way home and I happened to turn to look at the car next to me and my first thought was "Holy crap, how is that girl even old enough to sit in the front seat let alone drive?"
It was like a fetus sitting behind the wheel of a brand new Nissan something or other gabbing away on a cell phone - she looked like a zygote version of the annoying youngest sister on Party of Five - What kind of cell reception could she possibly be getting inside of that amniotic sack?
Then it hit me - it's entirely possible that people half my age are driving - half my age! Next thing you know, I'll be regaling people with stories of life before reality tv, or how back in my day, bands like Motley Crue and Faster Pussycat were so much better than "that crap you kids are listening to today".
Shit - somebody get me one of those little squeeze coin purses and some blueblocker sunglasses
4 comment(s):
Jootastic, at
8:14 AM
Jootastic, at
8:15 AM
Tara, at
8:55 AM
Anonymous, at
3:34 PM
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