Thursday, March 24, 2005
traipsing down the road to hell
Tomorrow is Good Friday - many people get that day off of work. I am not one of them. It is not going to be an especially Good Friday for me (unless, of course, I win the lottery, or someone gives me a pony)and really, unless I'm wrong (which hardly ever happens, I swear - hey, stop laughing) it signifies the day that Hay-zeuss was crucified. I'm sorry, but in my book, that generally doesn't constitute a "good" day - not even using "good" sarcastically - did they use sarcasm in those days? Do you think someone came up with the idea of calling if "Fucked Up Friday" but that got shot down in the marketing meeting? Then they maybe suggested calling it "Fan-fucking-tastic Friday", which was poo-poo-ed also, so they said "fine, let's call it Good Friday - yay, crucifiction!" and, as per usual, in marketing meetings, the most messed up idea is praised and elevated to mythic proportions - welcome to my life
1 comment(s):
Jenny, at
11:55 AM
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