Wednesday, March 23, 2005
ever have one of those nights where you can't fall asleep?*
*(Please note that I got pretty much NO sleep last night and I'm so tired that I'm giddy - don't expect too much from me today, ok?)I read somewhere that the average person takes 7 minutes to fall asleep - this must mean that there are some m*therf*ckers who are falling asleep before their heads hit the pillows because it takes me a million years to get to sleep - even if I'm tired, it takes me about half a million years just to slow down my mind and get in a place where I can even consider falling asleep.
But I don't know what was wrong with me last night - I would get to that almost sleepy place and then my disturbingly overactive mind would start doing the Riverdance around subjects that I don't even consider when I'm wide awake - and then I would get impatient thinking that if I didn't get to sleep soon, I wouldn't be able to function - then I was getting impatient because I had my contacts out so I couldn't see the clock so I didn't know how much time I was losing and how long until I had to wake up - then I had to pee and I couldn't decide if I should just wait or just get up and do it (finally got up and did it) - then I wondered if maybe I was asleep - then I decided that if I was asleep, I probably wouldn't have cognizant thoughts like that - all in all, I probably got about an hour or two of sleep - and yet, I'm in the best mood - seriously, I'm giddy - but I'm anticipating a crash soon - must... maintain... caffeine... levels...
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b) Say power to the insomniacs!
Michael, at
9:58 PM
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