Tuesday, March 22, 2005
expect that Grandma of the Year award in the mail any day now
I'm going to blame Easter for the fact that I have to go to my mom's for two weekends in a row - if fucking Easter could fall on the same fucking date every year, I would have recognized that this coming Sunday is Easter and I would have not gone to her house last Sunday (since I'm more or less contractually obligated to put in an appearance at her house for every major holiday... I mean, because I get to go to her house for every major holiday) - in any case, I'm stuck - 2 Sundays in a row of soul-sucking... I mean, family time.Today, my mom calls me at work to ask "Do you really want me to hide eggs for your son, or should I just not go to the trouble?"
Gosh, mom, when you put it that way...
Sometimes I feel like the need to apologize for the 10 pound 3 ounce bundle of hassle that I expelled from my uterus 6 years ago - I swear, I can be SO selfish sometimes
In a completely unrelated note - I just heard someone in my office utter the phrase "Oh, heavens no" - Seriously. Who talks like that?
2 comment(s):
Jootastic, at
2:57 PM
Anonymous, at
7:36 PM
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