Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Best. Start. To. A. Morning. EVER.

This morning, I get onto the internet and go to Gmail to check my 97 different Gmail accounts - I check my for-jobs-and-literary-stuff account (because I find that it's best to read those rejections early in the day so there's nowhere to go but up) and find an email with a contract for representation attached.

A contract.

For me.

From an agent.

A literary agent.

A contract for me from a literary agent.

As in, an agent who believes that he can sell my book.




Sure, it's only an agent and not a publisher - but I've never had an agent before

And sure, he's in Europe, so maybe they have lower standards for literature

And I haven't even glanced at the contract yet because it has big words and stuff in it

But... wow, just wow - I'm going back to bed now because this day isn't going to get any better

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