Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's Captain Obvious to the rescue!!!

I have entirely too many pets and every single one of them insists on being fed, so the other day, the family unit and I made the journey to PetsMart.

We're pushing a cart filled with pet stuff, including a 20something pound bag of dog food and several different varieties of dog treats, and we came upon the animal rescue/pet adoption people milling around at one end of the store.

There was an older woman with a big bundle of puppy cuteness on a leash and my son approaches the dog carefully with his hand extended so the dog can smell him (like he's been taught because he's been around dogs his entire life). He's not exhibiting any fear or hesitation.

The puppy starts doing that adorable puppy wiggling because it's a puppy and my son is a little boy and those kind of go together like peanut butter and jelly. It was shaping up to be one of those Kodak moments where people stop and go "Awwwwwww".

"He's wagging his tail," pipes up the rescue lady. "That means he's happy."


Really? Are you serious? Is that what that means? You've completely turned my world upside down, rescue lady. This means that my two border collies are actually happy-go-lucky dogs and not the viscious killers that I thought they were.

What next, rescue lady? Will you tell me that down is up and purple is green? Where does it end, rescue lady?

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