Friday, January 27, 2006

So, after I cleared out my internet history and all my bookmarks, deleted all my personal stuff on this computer and snagged a few office supplies to take home, I get called into a meeting with Bossman and Bosslady.

Bossman made me explain the entire situation *again*. He seems surprised that I wasn't in tears or genuinely desperate for the job. He hems and haws a bit about all the changes coming up, then sits back in his chair and gets all magnanimous and shit and acts like he's doing me a HUGE favor by saying "Well, I guess you can stay, 'least until we find someone else."*

~~~ Note to all managers, supervisors and CEOs who read my blog (because I'm sure there's a bunch of you) - this is a fantastic example of what NOT to do to foster loyalty and boost morale~~~

*In the next breath, he tells me that it could be weeks, months or years before they even start to look for someone else. I neglected to mention to him that I've already started looking for another job and will continue to do so.

3 comment(s):

  • Nah, I might as well keep it and slack my way through the days, seeing as a slightly smaller paycheck is better than no paycheck at all. Unless I can get them to fire me so I can collect unemployment...

    By Blogger Veruca Salt, at 7:00 AM  

  • Shocking isn't it? Weren't you supposed to beg for your job? It's unreal how little management "manages".. Slack through your days.. why the hell not.

    I just had my exit interview today.. they were SHOCKED that I told them EXACTLY what it is like here. Dopes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 AM  

  • What is wrong with these people? It's going to be sooooo easy for you to kiss it all goodbye when something else comes along.

    By Blogger Jay, at 10:46 AM  

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