Friday, February 03, 2006
My lunch sucks but I love the environment too much to do anything about it.
Because of my abbreviated hours at work, I don't leave for lunch anymore so I'm being good and bringing food from home to eat. Today, I was scraping the bottom of the barrel... uh, pantry and I brought a generic Cup-o-Noodles thing - I heated up some water in a mug and poured it into the styrofoam cup and set my tape dispenser on top of it to let it "cook".After about five minutes, I opened it up and found that my water hadn't been hot enough so I was left with tepid broth and slightly crunchy noodles. The only way to remedy that would be to pop the cup into the microwave, but we all know that microwaving styrofoam is mucho bad for the planet, so I opted against it and am suffering through an especially crappy version of a generic Cup-o-Noodles...
in other news,
my hair looks like shit today, it's poofy on one side and flat on the other
any resemblence between my mother and a normal grandmother is purely coincidental... last year, for my kid's 6th birthday, my mom made him 6 pillowcases (yeah, pillowcases, then she complained about how much the fabric for them cost) - this year, she sent him a card she printed off of her computer and 7 $1 bills. Maybe next year she'll send him some tampons or something else completely inappropriate for a kid... - thanks, Grandma.
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Anonymous, at
7:29 AM
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