Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sheesh - it would appear that I've been remiss in the shameless self-promotion department here - so... go here and read my new article - and while you're there, check out all the better, much more entertaining stuff.

And, that column was inspired by the angsty teen girl who was standing about 4 centimeters behind me when I was in line at Best Buy - first pet peeve - hello, ever heard of a comfort zone, Brittany? Second pet peeve - hello, typing in my PIN number on this pad here, care to back it up a little? Third pet peeve - her conversation (yes, I could only hear her side, but it was enough to make me want to throw her into a bonfire):

"Hey... No... Yeah... hey, can I, um, you know, have my mom, you know, drop me off, you know, at your house, you know, before I go to the, you know, gym?... No... Because, I don't want to, you know, like, go with her... fine, I'll just go then... yeah... shut up... yeah... fine, I'll just go then... yeah... shut up... I'll just go then... yeah... shut up... fine, I'll just go then... yeah... shut up... fine, I'll just go then... yeah... shut up... fine, I'll just go then [ad infinitum]"

as we were walking out of the store, and before I could say anything to him, my darling son looked up at me and said "She kept saying she was going to go, but she wouldn't hang up. Why wouldn't she hang up?"

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