Sunday, January 20, 2008
Did you know that after several years, brown rice in your pantry gets really dry and nearly impossible to cook?
Because, yeah, it does.So if you're at your kid's friend's house for, like, four hours on a Sunday afternoon because he's trying out their new Wii and you don't get home until five and you toss some chicken, brown rice and orange juice into a pan (following a recipe you've never tried before) and anticipate that it will be cooked in an hour... it won't. Then if you cook it for at least another half an hour until all of the liquid in the pan has disappeared and the chicken is jerky, the historic rice (that you have probably owned for three or four years) will still be crunchy.
The lesson for today? Rice is cheap, buy more. Oh, and - keep chicken taquitos in your freezer at all time in case it's seven o'clock on a Sunday night and your dinner is inedible.
Another lesson - if you aren't sure you have cotton balls and nailpolish remover at home, don't let your kid's friend's sister paint your nails Streetwalker Pink - no matter how freaking cute she is when she asks.
Labels: suzy fucking homemaker
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