Tuesday, January 01, 2008
In the middle of watching "Men in Black II", my husband turns to me and says: "So, I guess there's nothing good on tonight?""Oh, there's a bunch of really good shows on right now, I just thought we'd watch this crappy movie for the 9 millionth time."
There are things I'm sure I could blame on the stress about my dad's situation - like leaving a sink full of crusty dishes over the weekend - and there are things that I can't - like finding the rest of the leftover mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving in the refrigerator last night*
*pretty much the grossest thing I've ever found in my own refrigerator - they looked like cafeteria scrambled eggs with some pinkish sauce -and they were in one of my good casserole dishes, so I actually had to wash it instead of chucking it like the tupperware container with the leftover gravy in it.**
** I bet you totally want to come to my house for dinner now, don't you?
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