Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lost: one brain. Reward if found.

This morning, I pull up to my kid's school to drop him off.

There are two other cars in front of us, and for some reason, both of those cars are taking an EXTRAORDINARY amount of time to drop off their children (and watch the said children walk into the school).

Being that the drop off location is about 20 feet from the front door of the school, it shouldn't take more than, what, 20 seconds for to let the kid out of the car, and for the kid to get to the door, right? Somehow these were the slowest kids on the face of the planet and it was a couple minutes before these cars pulled away.

Now, it's not like I've got places to go or anything, but I really hate waiting (and seriously, if halfway into the school year, your kid can't find his way 20 feet into the school? I don't know what to tell you), and I'm really done with pretty much everyone in this godforsaken city by now. When these people are FINALLY pulling out of the parking lot, I put my car into drive and start to follow them.

Then my kid taps me on the shoulder to ask if I'd meant to drop him off or not.

Then he realized that he could have just had a free day if he'd kept his mouth shut for another few minutes (because, let's face it, we're a week from moving and if I'd gotten home without dropping him off? I probably would have just asked if he'd wanted to play Wii or something)

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