Friday, February 27, 2009

Do something nice today

Do it for the children baby animals.

Welcome Home Barnyard, the animal rescue/sanctuary where I volunteered (and the only good thing about Corpus Christi) is in trouble. The woman who owns/runs the sanctuary was laid off of her job in September - like a responsible grown up, she had 6 months of expenses saved up, but here we are 6 months out, she still hasn't found another job, and she's facing eviction because she's behind on the rent.

If she can't make up the past rent, the owner of the land is ready to put her and over 100 animals, including goats, sheep, pigs, chickens and even a buffalo, out on the streets. It absolutely breaks my heart, especially since I'm a billion miles away and I can't even be there to help.

I know most people think of farm animals as... well, farm animals, but they're actually every bit as cool as dogs and cats. Every animal at the farm has a name, a story and a personality, every one is better off for living there (most of them would be tacos if not for Mary).

She lives sparsely, 99% of her money goes towards food, veterinary care, food and more food for the animals and 99% of everything she does day in and day out is for the animals. She is one of the most unselfish people on the planet. She doesn't drive a nice car, she doesn't live in a nice house, she doesn't take vacations or buy herself new clothes. She does not deserve the treatment she's getting from the land owner.

I don't ask for a lot... well, that's a lie, I ask for validation, I ask for attention, I ask for tolerance, but this means more than anything.

Everyone is hurting in this economy, everyone is having to tighten their belts, but if you, or anyone you know could help out in any way, shape or form - be it donating $5, or sponsoring an animal for a couple months, or offering the owner a job, or volunteering time, or donating 100 acres of land or getting some much needed publicity for this - karma will repay you.

The farm's (rarely updated because they don't have a webmaster) website is and you can donate there, or you can pass the link along to everyone you know and save the farm.

Please help and/or pass it along. Arnold would appreciate it -

Need more pics of who needs help?

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