Friday, March 20, 2009

Pet Peeves for the Week

1) Pediatrician offices that claim to be accepting new patients, then tell you that the first time they can see a new patient is in 2 weeks. Great, I'll give you a call 2 weeks before the next time my kid gets sick.

2) Doctor's offices that call themselves a "family practice", yet won't see anyone under 18.

3) Urgent care physicians who are too busy/distracted to listen to a mother when she tells him that her son has strep and that she knows this because he gets strep a couple times a year and she knows the signs and she knows how he reacts to it. (we'll see you in a week when we run out of the cough syrup you prescribed and he's still sick)

4) The phrase "It is what it is". It's such a dismissive fuck of a phrase, like "everything happens for a reason". It's one of those things that people say when they think they should say something, but they don't have anything valid to say and it really doesn't mean anything except "you're fucked". No one ever says "it is what it is" when you tell them that you got a great new job, or that you just won 9 gold medals in the olympics, it's always when your mortgage company doesn't want to take the pay-off that you've offered or your dog has just spontaneously exploded.


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