Saturday, February 18, 2012

so I've got the house to myself for the weekend because The Kid had a basketball tournament in Orange County and, while I'm healing pretty well, no way is my newly-remodeled spine up for a 3-hour-roadtrip - for me, this means my oldest pajamas, noodles from my favorite Thai place, and marathons of a couple of my favorite tv shows - which, admittedly, is kind of like a normal day for me, but whatever.

I'm also stuck chatting with the kid via text (because neither of us particularly care for talking no the phone).

me: if you're still not feeling well, make sure you drink a lot tonight so you're healthy tomorrow for the games

The Kid: a lot of what?

me: vodka. But if you can't get served in the hotel bar, go for water instead, smartass


1 comment(s):

  • I, too, raised a smartass son. When he got old enough for me to actually call him on it, he would retort with "better than being a dumbass."


    By Blogger Cyndvu, at 12:03 PM  

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