Saturday, February 19, 2005
2nd weekend post - wireless internet is my new excuse to avoid writing
stole this from my sister - whom i would link right now, but i'm on my mac at home and it doesn't give me that cute little link button... (if you want to see her blog, you'll have to visit my sidebar - sorry for the inconvenience)Accent: English, like Madonna
Bra size: stop staring at my boobs
Chore I hate: anything that requires me to remove my lazy ass from the couch
Dad's name: Papa (no, not really)
Essential make-up products: liquid eyeliner, cover-up and non-gooey lip gloss
Favorite perfume: anything not made by Paris Hilton or Britney Spears - or anything from Demeter
Gold or silver?: stainless steel and leather
Hometown: born in the USA.
Interesting fact: I'm great at those crane games.
Job title: Only-person-in-the-office-capable-of-using-Google-or-eBay
Kids: not plural
Living arrangements: um, my couch is arranged at like a 90 degree angle (it's a sectional) and my bed is arranged against a wall - it's all very feng shui
Mom's birthplace: a cave, perhaps?
Number of apples eaten in the last week: do Apple Jolly Ranchers count?
Overnight hospital stays: No, I'd prefer a hotel, in Downtown Vegas, if possible, please
Phobia: sharks, and being drugged and having my kidney stolen.
Question you ask yourself a lot: Can you ever shut your piehole?
Religious affiliation: just because I sit next to the Christian coalition at work doesn't mean that we're affiliated
Siblings: sister, and two brothers that i barely know.
Time I wake up: 5:30am
Unnatural hair color: are you asking if I have one, or asking me to name one? yes, I have one, or several - and if asked to name one, I would say cranberry
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: not terribly fond of mushrooms - do those count as a vegetable?
Worst habit: being emotionally distant and running hot and cold (yes, that's two, but they're tied for my worst habit).
X-rays?: no thanks, I hate those giant manilla folders they shove in your mouth to take those x-rays
Yummy food I make: Carbonara, enchiladas, steak, fudge, banana bread, cookies
Zodiac sign: Yield... oh, I mean, Aquarius - and my Chinese sign is Tiger
4 comment(s):
Queen on the run, at
2:16 PM
Jootastic, at
9:01 AM
Tara, at
9:16 AM
Veruca Salt, at
10:57 AM
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