Thursday, February 10, 2005
Biggest Birthday Pet Peeve
I know, I know, any day with cake and presents is cool - but I hate - HATE - being sung to... it's so... so... I can't even put it into words how horrifying this is to me - whether it's co-workers gathered around my cube to present me with a card or waiters in a restaurant forced to sing - I never know where to look, I never know what I'm supposed to do when it's over (I'm bad with "thank you"s), and that song really only takes 15 seconds, but it feels like it takes about a year.But the weird thing is, I like attention - I crave attention - sometimes I think I'll melt into the floor if I get ignored for too long - but I'm not comfortable having that kind of attention forced upon me - I want to work for my attention, make me dance like a monkey...
Does the aversion to the birthday song make me weird? Or did the "make me dance like a monkey" part make me weird?
4 comment(s):
I also get sick of people who have a birthday and they tell everyone for two weeks in advance and then spend every minute of that day saying, "It's my birthday, what do I get?"
Anonymous, at
3:32 PM
Michael, at
7:42 PM
Michael - thank you for the validation - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that song ALWAYS sounds crappy
Veruca Salt, at
8:11 PM
I can't stand being sung to. It's bad enough that they know how old I am, trhey don't need to embarass me with song.
Anonymous, at
6:17 AM
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