Monday, March 14, 2005
Insane in the membrane
Insane in the brainI heard somewhere that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
About every three to four months I find this burgundy shirt in my closet and say to myself "self," because that's what I call myself when I talk to me. "why don't I wear this more often? It's got a soft suede-y fabric and I think the color looks good on me. I seem to remember something about it being a little show-off-y, but I'm sure it's not half as bad as I remember."
So I put it on and switch all my stuff to a matching purse and head out the door
Before I even get to work, I am reminded why I never wear this shirt.
See, it's got this drawstring keyhole opening in the front - actually, at home, in front of the mirror, it looks like a keyhole opening, it's like a little peek, not indecent or anything - but the second I step out of the house, it turns into a cubbyhole opening - seriously, when I look down, all I see is this milky white expanse of my chest - and it's not like I'm stacked or anything, but every time I wear this shirt, I feel like I'm wearing a neon sign that says "hey, look at my chest" - maybe I could sell ad space on eBay.
In all fairness, it's probably a little exaggerated for me because I'm looking down into the boobage all day (and I do mean, all day - you know it's bad when you get distracted by your own tatas) and since I'm taller than most everyone at work, no one else has the same vantage point, but god forbid I lean over or talk to anyone who comes a'calling at my cubicle.
Maybe I should print out this post and tape it to the hanger this shirt will hang on so that I save the milkbags the exposure in another 4 months
4 comment(s):
You're doing the world a favor by wearing that shirt. And an injustice if you don't post pictures. ;)
And I should really post instead of just writing comments.
Anonymous, at
2:37 PM
Also, I'm a big fan of boobs, but the phrase "milk bags" isn't visually appetizing. It sounds like it might be how people buy milk at Costco. "The 40 gallon milk bags are a great deal, but my fridge simply isn't big enough."
Michael, at
6:23 PM
Anonymous, at
9:16 PM
LOL! I thought the milk bags comments was referencing the people you work with, like douche bags. LMAO!!! Hey, they're your titties - call them what you want. ;-)
Maverick, at
9:02 AM
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