Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Statcounter is my anti-drug
from the recent google searches that have found Snozzberries it seems like people are looking for something - and I almost feel bad that they're finding my rambling about the minutiae of my life instead... almost"Best Boobs in Hollywood"
"Paris Hilton's Feet" - I would like it noted that her feet are a full size bigger than mine - it kind of balances out all the other stuff that she has that I don't, right?
"Gwen Stefani L.A.M.E." - I believe that the name of her crap is L.A.M.B., but I like this one better
"Why do my clothes smell like dill?" - not sure I want to know
"Victoria Gotti Cupcakes" - have I mentioned recently how much I admire her and want her to not put out a hit on me?
"Victoria Gotti Pink Lip Gloss" - Totally respect and admire her
"blog furleys" - is it just me, or does that sound like some weird sexual position?... just me? oh, okay... nevermind then
1 comment(s):
That Dude, at
10:40 AM
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