Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Dear Dentist -Remember when I said that you seemed like a nice guy and that you treated your staff well? I would like to offer a retraction on those statements for the following reasons:
1) you blamed ME because my "bite is a little high" - and that's what was causing the unbearable pain - hello - who has the dental degrees hanging on the walls? Not me - you were the one working in there, not me
2) you were so mean to that little hygenist girl this morning "No, you did that wrong. No, you're putting that together wrong. No, I need the green one" - gosh, way to motivate there, Anthony Robbins
But because you usually have decent, current magazines in your waiting room and because my mouth is no longer in excruciating pain and I may be able to eat something other than bananas and apple sauce, so we'll call it even for now - for now - but maybe you should prescribe yourself some Zanax or something and chill the fuck out for next time, okay?
Yours Truly,
me and my high bite... (or should it be my high bite and me?)
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Tim, at
10:51 AM
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