Friday, March 04, 2005
yet another MEME - this one is from the youngest member of our incestuous blog circle, Dino (he's 17)1. if you could hook up with 1 ex-boyfriend, who would it be an why?
It depends what you mean by hook up - if I were single and it was for a one night thing, probably D___ because he was great in bed, and adored the crap out of me, but entirely too needy for a relationship. If you mean hook up, like marry or date or do the relationship part deux, um... probably none of them, they are exes for a reason (in most cases, many reasons) unless, I could be hooking up with someone else's ex, in which case, duh, it would be John Mayer because he's got to be someone's ex
2. what is your favorite movie?
This one is kind of tough for me because I don't like to say that I have one favorite anything because I'm incredibly fickle and change my mind all the time. I guess that "Valley Girl" is one of those movies that I always like and will always watch when it's on the USA network (even with the cuss words dubbed out)
3. if anyone could play you in the movie of your life, who would it be?
First of all, that would be one crap of a boring movie (though not as much of a downer as "De-Lovely" which should have been called "De-Pressing") but I guess I'd cast someone infinitely watchable like Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Garner (not that I'm implying that I'm anywhere near as hot, or as watchable, it's just that I would want people to have a reason to stay in the theater)
4. what do you like about me?
Gosh, Dean, what's not to like about you? Way to blatantly fish for compliments, by the way - I dunno, I don't know you all that well, but I think you have decent taste in music, you've got an amusing honesty and self deprecation about you
5. what is your poison?
I prefer to use a cyanide powder, it dissolves pretty easily into any liquid... oooh, I've said too much already... nevermind that... did you mean alcohol? I'm such a girl when it comes to alcohol (ask anyone who's ever gotten drunk with me) I'll drink anything colorful, fruit-festooned and not tasting like alcohol. There's this dive in Downtown Las Vegas called The Bayou and they have these wonderful yard long daquiris - next time, in Vegas, I must remember that one is good enough for me and two results in projectile vomiting
2 comment(s):
Michael, at
6:26 PM
Veruca Salt, at
6:48 PM
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