Thursday, March 03, 2005
My questions from Ali (which, in addition to some cake batter ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery are working on eradicating my shitty mood)*You're stranded on a desert island. You may take a journal and pen, or a companion. What do you choose?
That's tough, considering how much I like writing - and how much I like attention - I'm going to go with the companion (as long as he's funny and a decent conversationalist), and then once he bugs me or disappoints me the way most people do, I can kill him and use his blood for ink... oh, maybe I've said too much
* You may only eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?
First thing that comes to mind is Chicken enchiladas with lots and lots of cheese and olives - that covers at least one or two food groups, right?
* Have you ever done something major that you still regret?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME - I'm one of those instant gratification girls who throws caution to the wind and doesn't think about the consequences at that time - I'm very in the moment - but I've made some of my favorite mistakes that way
* Would you still blog if people couldn't leave comments?
Yeah, as much as I adore the comments that validate my existence (kidding... mostly) I still use my blog as cheap therapy - most likely, I would be less censored than I am right now, which would just mean 20% more mood swings and 30% more cussing (shit, fuck, cock, pussy, ass, motherfucker) - or I could just give out my cell # and ya'll could call in your comments - but that would be weird, huh? and more than a little desperate
* What is the significance of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Or do you just looooove the movie?
The sad truth is that I had about 50 names before this one and this is my favorite - it just fits me - it's kind of goofy and pop culture-y and not everyone gets it - plus it's just a lot more fun than "Angry Giraffe Humping", which was the original title* - oh, and I like the movie, too
* no, not really, I can't believe you thought that
3 comment(s):
Veruca Salt, at
2:47 PM
Or humping like a giraffe, only angrier?
Or is that like humping AN angry giraffe?
A girl needs to know these things...
angie, at
4:11 PM
1) If you had to leave NYC and could never go back (witness relocation kind of thing) what would you miss most?
2) What is your favorite article of clothing and why?
3) If you could change one thing about yourself, physical or emotional, what would it be?
4) If you had to marry one cast member from either "Happy Days" or "Full House" who would it be and why?
5) Name two guilty pleasures - really guilty pleasures - like stuff that you're almost embarassed to admit - but you're going to anyway in the spirit of the game.
Veruca Salt, at
6:53 PM
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