Tuesday, March 01, 2005
The lovely and talented Tara's post brought up an extremely good point - well, she brought up several good points (as usual), but one in particular struck me close to home - these parents who let their kids go to sleepovers at Michael Jackson's house. I don't consider myself the best parent in the world, not by a long shot, but no force in the world could compel me to consider letting my son ever ever ever ever set foot in or near Neverland - Did I mention ever? How do these sleepovers get organized? Is there a pimp dressed up like Chuck E Cheese standing outside of the Disney store approaching parents. "Hey, would you like a night out without your son? Why not drop him off at Neverland Ranch, we've got ponies and cotton candy!"And what parent says "That sounds great, can bring my daughter, too?"
"Um, well, you see... no, actually, just your son."
"Oh, that doesn't sound creepy or suspicious or anything, I'll drop him off at six"
"Great, here's your hush money!"
"My what?"
"Did I mention ponies and cotton candy?"
"Oh, right, see you at six."
2 comment(s):
Which brings up a separate point... these parents are effectively pimping their children. Mike gets to fondle the kid, and in exchange, the little guy doesn't die in three months. Tough situation to be in, I'd think.
Agent 31, at
10:40 AM
Seriously though. It boggles my mind why anyone would let their child alone with a suspected molester. Parents are the only protection kids have. How is this not child abuse in some way?
I don't care how much I admired someone, why put your kid in danger? If the parent likes MJ so much, they should stay over, not their kid.
There is no amount of money in the world that would even make me consider jeopardizing my kid's mental/physical health like that.
Tara, at
1:01 PM
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