Thursday, February 24, 2005
My annoying habit can beat up yours.
One. Just one of my annoying habits (I have several) is that I have road rage. Not a lot of it. But when people don't let me over in traffic, and I am forced to cut them off...I regularly utter the phrase, "Lick me."Or...when people leave their turn signal on far beyond the point at which it is necessary...I call them a dumb f$#k.
Or... when someone tailgates me, I make sure that I put a LOT of space between myself and the car IN FRONT of me...which inevitably pisses off said tailgater...well, I think so anyway. I really don't know for shizzle.
4 comment(s):
By Veruca Salt, at 10:13 AM
By Anonymous, at 10:26 AM
You better be careful - there's some freaks out there an some of them are packin'!
By Monkey, at 9:21 AM
Instead of "Lick Me" I either scream at the car or just mutter "are you kidding? are you kidding?" over and over and over until they stop what they are doing.
I have also gotten into a car accident because the person left their blinker on for so long, that when they actually turned, I was passing them.
And whenever I have someone tailgating me (like in this morning SNOWY weather - which is unsafe as it is), I tend to slam the brakes every so often to try and scare the shit out of them. While sort of hoping they hit me, to teach them a lesson.
Road ragers unite.
By Jenny, at 10:28 AM
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