Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Because it's been about 4 seconds since my last MEME
But here's your opportunity to turn this MEME into a YOUYOU - Now, here are the rules for this Blog-a-thon. I'll offer to interview the next three (or so) people to respond to this post that will follow these rules:1. Leave me a comment here saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones below.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (get it? - it's a vicious fucking circle)
These are the questions that Tim asked me (and my answers, duh):
1. There’s no place like home. True of false? and why?
True, home is where your pajamas, comfort food and wireless internet are - but home doesn't necessarily refer to a specific dwelling, home is where you make it
2. Which cartoon character would you be and why?
Either Jem, of Jem and the Holograms, because she had great pink hair and a gigantic computer that turned her into a rockstar, or Smurfette, because, hello - the only girl in the village? Yeah, I can work with those odds
3. You have to go back to your 16th birthday and relive your life knowing what you know now. OK, now, we’re back in 2005. What’s your new job/marital/living situation? -
I'm living in Tuscany, wiping my ass with $50 bills because I invented reality TV, those razor scooters and toaster strudel - Jon Stewart is my houseboy, John Mayer is my pool boy, Alton Brown cooks for me, and George Clooney showers me with compliments - Oh, I've also had Paris Hilton, Courtney Love and Lindsay Lohan neutered
4. The guy in the office next to you just invented teleportation. You get the first trip. Where are you gonna go?
Right now? Maybe New York City, or Rome - somewhere amazing and bustling and cooler than Phoenix
5. John Mayer is going to let you squeeze his buns for real. But you have to give up your blog. Do you do it?
Is it just one squeeze? Then, no - he's pretty lanky, he's got hardly any ass at all - I don't see how one squeeze would be worth it - now if I was going to be entitled to squeeze his ass until death do us part, or some other hokey crap like that - um, bye bye, Blogger, you can follow my exploits in the Enquirer from now on
15 comment(s):
Meghan, at
8:09 AM
Anonymous, at
8:37 AM
Tara, at
8:47 AM
okay - wifey -
1)What’s one modern convenience you can’t live without and why?
2)A habit of yours you’d like to break and why?
3)Your favorite article of clothing and why?
4)What is your favorite part of your house and why?
5)What’s your favorite thing about your favorite Scotsman?
Veruca Salt, at
9:45 AM
1)What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
2)Your favorite breakfast cereal and why?
3)If you could be a super hero, who would you be?
4)When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
5)What were you like in high school?
Veruca Salt, at
9:47 AM
1)Most unselfish thing you’ve ever done?
2)Most selfish thing you’ve ever done?
3)What’s one modern convenience you can live without and why?
4)What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?
5)Name two of your biggest guilty pleasures that you’re usually embarrassed to admit
Veruca Salt, at
9:48 AM
Veruca Salt, at
9:49 AM
1)What’s the last CD you purchased?
2)Lip gloss or lipstick?
3)What is your favorite smell and why?
4)What’s your worst quality and why?
5)What's your best quality and why??
Veruca Salt, at
9:52 AM
1) Why Pink Kitty? Why not Orange Giraffe, or Purple Antelope?
2)Describe your favorite pair of shoes
3) What's your earliest childhood memory?
4) What's the best birthday present anyone has ever gotten you?
5) Most prestigious award you've ever won?
Veruca Salt, at
12:42 PM
Anonymous, at
9:20 PM
i want some questions but i dont blog anywhere really to post them.
hey, cmon now, dont blame me, blame IRONPANTS, he started it.
shame on you ironpants. now i cant participate.
kate., at
9:25 PM
Jootastic, at
12:29 PM
Jootastic, at
12:47 PM
and get me off that sidebar with ironpants. i deserve my own little area just for starting again to please you (yes, im obviously stroking your need for attention cate).
kate., at
3:03 PM
Dino - your questions are:
1)Favorite salad dressing and why?
2) Name two people who you do not want to see your blog.
3) What was the last book you read?
4) Are you a dog person, cat person or toothpick person - and why?
5) What are you going to be when you grow up, toddler?
Jules -
1) I'm pretty sure I know all the good bits about you, so why are we doing this?
2) Is it possible that we were adopted from some mother much cooler than the one who claims to be ours, and why?
3)Why the hell did you make me watch "Willy Wonka" every day when we were at Dad's house, I really just wanted to watch Top Gun.
4) Will you get a pet when you move to the East Coast?
5) If you move to the East Coast, you will be living in the future, how do you feel about that?
and last, but certainly not least, Kayde
1) When are you coming to Arizona to visit your fabulous sister?
2) If you could have the hair of any celebrity, whose hair would it be and why?
3) Favorite ice cream topping?
4) Favorite jungle animal and why?
5) Anklets, slutty or sexy - and why?
Veruca Salt, at
3:10 PM
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