Friday, March 04, 2005
Tell me if I'm the only one who does this
So, I'm waiting in line at the Walgreen's pharmacy today - waiting for the pain medication which my sadistic dentist has so kindly prescribed - and I'm looking at the queue of people surrounding me waiting for their prescriptions and I'm wondering what the hell is wrong with each of them - Like the the tall guy in the rumbled suit and yamaka, does he have some icky fungus that I can't see? Or the trashy lady in tight jeans, high heels and a halter top two sizes too small with her dirty shoeless kid, could it be lice? Or the sort of attractive guy who looks kind of embarassed, is it syphillis? And the guy wearing dirty jeans and a surgical mask, do I even want to know? And what if any of them are wondering the same thing about me?In other news, this is my first posting whilest under the influence of percoset - in fact this is the first time I've ever been under the influence of said narcotic ever - neat, prescription narcotics - woo-hoo - really, I don't notice much of a difference - I'm a smidge numb, and this post has taken me about half an hour to write because I keep forgetting words - honestly, I don't see the appeal of this particular poison, I don't see how someone could get addicted, it's just kind of making me feel... bleh... or something... I forget
wow, chicken nuggets, percoset, "The Italian Job"* and blogging - could I dream up a more exciting Friday night?**
*Marky Mark has really big nostrils - I never noticed before - thanks, narcotics
**I so need to get out more
I'm SO deleting this post on Monday when I come to my senses - (unless, of course, I'm in rehab by then - promise you'll visit me?) - actually, I'm considering joining the Blogger Relocation Program and abandoning this... But I haven't decided yet - I'm thinking it might not be the best idea to make any decisions whilest under the influence of this... I should really wrap this up... or something
4 comment(s):
i always think everyone else wonders if im there to get crazy pills. i mean, i totally am, but thats not the point. i wish they would think i was there to pick up some wierd ointment because I GET ALL THE SEX. they all know better. its just for the mental pills.
kate., at
9:15 PM
How was that new version of The Italian Job? I love the original one, the one with Michael Caine. I have a weird crush on him.
Feel better!
supine, at
10:50 AM
and DON'T delete the post. you will look back on it in amusement.
tigerita, at
12:36 PM
Willow, at
8:19 PM
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