Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

When I returned from lunch today - the following email was in my work email inbox -

You have not tried Cialls yet? - No - I admit it, I haven't - but I'm ALWAYS late to catch onto those wacky dances that the kids are doing these days
Than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed! You know, I've got a pretty good imagination, but, no, I cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed - mostly because I have nothing but girly bits where those boy parts would be
The thing is that a qreat errrect1on is provided for you exactly when you want. Whoa - what? An errrect1on for me? Exactly when I want it? Maybe this Ciallis thing wouldn't be so bad, because I could TOTALLY go for a nice hard errrect1on right now - or a frappuccino, I can't decide.
CiaIls has a lot of advantages over Viaqra - really? like what?
- the effect lasts 36 hours! Sure, that sounds great on paper, but... what am I going to do with an errrect1on for 36 hours? Doesn't it need to be refrigerated or something?
- you are ready to start within just 10 minutes! - ROCK ON! Please see my previous statement about wanting an errrect1on right now - because it would take me way longer than that to gather up a pal or two and hoof it down to Starbucks.
- you can mix it with alcohol! Ding, ding, ding - ladies and gentlemen - we have a winner - it's ciallis by a nose... or something lower

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