Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Pilot without a Clue
I was coming back from Seattle to the East coast during the Seahawks - NY game (I don't know what their mascot is....bullets, razors..whatever). But I support my home town, particularly when they are doing something well. Anyway, halfway home the pilot comes on to announce the score. Seattle leading, he says with a laugh. I let out a cheer. Followed by dead silence. Aw yep. It's a plane full of New Yorkers. I saw some heads swivel around looking for that bastard enemy, but I maneuvered down quick enough. The pilot was apparently as unaware of the logic as I was as a plane returning from holiday back to the East are perhaps a majority: NY fans? At the end of the flight he crushes the salt into the wounds of several large goombas by announcing the Seattle win with exuberance. This was followed by boos and groans. Oooooh. You'd better stay in that secure cabin for awhile Pilot Joe. Terrorists have nothing on NY fans that are pissed off.
1 comment(s):
I'm not even supposed to be here today, at
11:56 PM
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