Thursday, January 12, 2006

Shameless self promotion

New column up, go check it out.

And, if you haven't already, you should check out the Dark Crazy Forum, too.

And, speaking of shameless self-promotion, I'm going to self-publish my book soon... and by "soon" I mean "when I finish one last sweep over it to make sure I've removed any superfluous commas and get around to coming up with a decent back cover blurb" - and before you say anything, I know, I know, self-publishing isn't *real* publishing, but after being told by WAY too many literary agents that my writing is good, dialogue is good and characters are good, but my story just isn't "mainstream enough" for the current chick lit market, I've decided that the mainstream is overrated (hello, the mainstream is what gave us 17 different-but-the-same boy bands and "Cheaper by the Dozen 2"), so I'm going to go indie, because, to be honest, I think it's a decent story, as do the 5 or 6 people I've let read it and I'd just kind of like one copy of it to put on my shelf.

And I used to think that self-publishing was kind of like sending flowers to yourself - sure, you ended up with flowers, but that reminder was still there on your credit card - but Mike, one of my favoritest people, said that no, it was more like throwing yourself a party (which sounds way less pathetic than sending yourself flowers). And parties aren't parties unless people show up (and at least one person gets drunk and makes an ass of him or herself) so, you're all invited... I'll give you the details when I get 'round to it, k?

And my uber-artistic pal, Sean from Dark Crazy, has been the coolest person on the planet and helped me design the covers (and by "helped me" I mean "came up with totally cool ideas all himself") - wait until you see them.

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