Monday, August 07, 2006
So after several wacky sitcom-esque turns of events, I ended not having to be on tv after all, but I did get a chance to see the ugly side of 6AM. I also learned that the local news guy isn't wearing pants underneath that desk (he's wearing shorts, you pervert) and that this guy was in Dirty Dancing (it was some part of some trivia question that they asked on the news, but, seriously, wtf?).Also, apropos of something, I'd like to offer the following list of drunken communications by order of my receiving preference.
5. Drunken emails
4. Drunken blog comments
3. Drunken text messages
2. Drunken text messages stating simply "titties"*
1. Drunken voicemails**
Please print out this list and keep it handy for the next time you're on a binge and feel the sudden urge to contact me.
* I received one on Saturday night
** I'd say drunk dials, but we all know I never answer my phone
1 comment(s):
Anonymous, at
3:37 PM
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