Tuesday, July 07, 2009

a couple summer tips from me to you

For the first time in 11 or so years, I live in a place where walking outside during the summer months doesn't make me want to kill myself. So I've been spending a bit of time outside - hiking, gardening, walking, tennis-ing - all kinds of shit. So I'm somewhat of an expert on this stuff now, I thought I'd share some tips -

1) While it's a good thing to remember to bring sunscreen when venturing out, it turns out to not be effective unless it's actually applied to your pasty-ass skin. (Who knew?)

2) When you go to a national park and the ranger gives you a map with all of the trails, it's best to read all the information on the map - ie: how advanced the hike is, how long the hike is - instead of piking hikes with cute names. Especially if you're NOT A FREAKING OLYMPIC ATHLETE.

2a) you know you're on the wrong level of trail when there's a vulture circling your wheezing, pink-faced self for the entire second half of your "strenuous" hike. And when your ridiculously athletic child keeps stopping begging you to turn back.

also, we find out within the next week or so (possibly tomorrow) whether or not there will be layoffs at the husband's work. this is decidedly not awesome hopefully they have wifi at the local homeless shelter.

1 comment(s):

  • Those are some VERY good tips. ;-) ESPECIALLY THE SUNBLOCK ONE. How many times have I done that?!

    *I am crossing my fingers for you and your family, for good news today.*

    By Blogger Giggly, at 8:50 AM  

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